(contrib:after)= # After the Contribution Period Closes The [Community Coordinator](comm-coord) can help organise and facilitate these activities if required. (contrib:after:clean-up)= ## Clean up the repo After the contribution period closes, you will probably be left with a lot of open issues and/or pull requests in our Outreachy repo and the general JupyterHub ecosystem! ### Archiving issue forms If you [created an issue form](microtasks:create:issue-forms) as part of a microtask, please "archive" it by moving it to the [archive folder](https://github.com/jupyterhub/outreachy/tree/main/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/archive). This prevents it from clogging up the repo's template chooser after the contribution period closes. ### Closing issues We have a provided a [short Python script](https://github.com/jupyterhub/outreachy/blob/HEAD/scripts/comment-close-issues.py) that identifies Outreachy-related issues based on labels. It leaves a short message thanking the contributors for their work, and then closes each issue in turn. This is a bit quicker than doing it manually. You can read how to use this script in the [README file for the `scripts` folder](https://github.com/jupyterhub/outreachy/blob/HEAD/scripts/README.md#closing-microtask-issues-after-the-contribution-period-has-closed). ### Closing/merging pull requests Try to review and merge as many pull requests as possible. It may be challenging in terms of low quality and merge conflicts. It might be more mangeable to do this in a sprint with the other mentors. (contrib:after:retrospective)= ## Hold a retrospective If you have the capacity, holding a [retrospective](https://blog.zenhub.com/tips-and-techniques-for-better-sprint-retrospective-meetings/) after the contribution period closes is a really beneficial practice. In this meeting, mentors should focus on answering the following questions in regard to the completed contribution period: - What went well? - What didn't work well? - What should be done differently next time? This meeting can be facilitated by the [Community Coordinator](comm-coord) if required. Any pull requests improving the processes documented anywhere on this site as a result of one of these meetings is very welcome and super appreciated! ## Start reviewing applicants Move onto [](review-apps)!