--- py-config: splashscreen: autoclose: true packages: - jinja2 - pandas --- (current-microtasks)= # List of Current Microtasks Available % NOTE: The CSV files used by this page are generated by the script located at % https://github.com/jupyterhub/outreachy/blob/main/scripts/get-repo-issues.py % The above script is automatically run on issue opened/closed/(un)labeled % events by a GitHub Actions workflow located at % https://github.com/jupyterhub/outreachy/blob/main/.github/workflows/sync-issues.yaml % The CSV files are then committed and pushed to the issue-data branch of the repo % https://github.com/jupyterhub/outreachy/tree/issue-data This table shows the microtasks currently available to work on during a contribution period. The table contains a link to the issue describing the task, a label indicating which project it is connected to, an indication of how many applicants can work on the issue simultaneously, and a label indicating the difficulty level of the task. See [](microtasks:create:labels) for more details. ```{tip} Refresh the page to keep it up-to-date! ``` ```{py-script} import pandas as pd from pyodide.http import open_url # Get the data data = pd.read_csv( open_url( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyterhub/outreachy/issue-data/microtask-table.csv" ) ) data.fillna(" ", inplace=True) # Function to display the table display(data.style.hide(axis="index"), target="microtask-table", append=False) ```
% DataTables config to make the table above look nice % TODO: Figure out how to make this work nicely with dark theme % Make the tables a little bit more compact since there's a lot of text